Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sushi, Sweat and Smells on a Saturday Night...

So I'm sitting here sweating after running I don't know... three miles or so with the Murphster... and proudly burning 400 calories... although I'm behind in my goal because I didn't have my iPod set right for calorie calculations... so my goal shows me 2000 calories behind... that's not good.  I was kind of mad when I found out that my last 2 runs that I ran didn't count.  Oh well... Apple still rules.  Anyway- so sweat is running down my back... I smell like a racquetball locker room and I'm eating sushi... on a Saturday night.  I don't know, it had a nice ring to it... what do they call it when the first syllables of words are the same?  Assonance... I can't believe I just thought of that... seriously.  Oh wait... actually it's Alliteration.  I looked it up... Assonance is any syllable other than the first that is repeated in a phrase.  Alliteration is when the first syllables have the same sound...  wow.  Glad I found that little tidbit tucked away in the cerebral cortex.

So today, being a Saturday and all, should have been a nice relaxing day... but no... Uncle Sam calls.  It's exercise time at work.  Glorious.  And when I say exercise, I don't mean deep-knee bends.  I mean that other military term, exercise.  What fun.  No weekend for me.  Fortunately, I've run into some old folks from days gone by in my military life.  An OCS buddy, a flight school friend, guys I've flown with in Japan, Air Force guys I've flown with... if anything is good about bringing a bunch of folks together in the good ole' DOD, is you are bound to know someone from days gone by.  It's always good catching up with old folks and hearing how old friends are doing.

Oh yeah- the Sushi was good.  There is a Food Pantry literally right outside the front door of my building that is so convenient.  I had Spicy Meguro Rolls (Tuna) with some Salmon Sushimi.  I love living in the city...

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