Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My American Idol Predictions...

OK- I must admit- I've turned into an American Idol Junkie... when I was in Japan I actually rented the first few episodes (they rent them in video stores there) just so I could laugh at the train wrecks that are typically the first few weeks... but now that I can watch the whole season (compliments of my TiVo HD), I've been looking forward to it each week... so tonight, after watching the final 12 perform, I decided to lay out my predictions and see how I do... so here goes-
The winner will be one of the following:
Chikezie- a former TSA employee at LAX, turned singer.  This is his second attempt, and he's doing pretty well so far.  He actually did pretty well tonight- which surprised me.  I thought he wasn't going to make it this far, but he's showing some promise here in the end game.  I think he's got something unique that America might actually buy... which is what this show is all about anyway.

Brooke White
Probably one of my personal favorites- she's got an incredible 
voice, can play the piano, the guitar and can just sing very well.  Not to mention she is a Christian, and just seems like a nice person.  She kind of concerned me tonight though during the post-song interview... she got a little weird and emotional in talking about the piano and the set and the audience and the song... I guess that was humility but it came across a little weird- she recovered though.  She is an incredible talent, and I am sure she will be one of the last to get voted off, if she doesn't win.
Jason Castro- this kid has got skills... he plays his guitar most every week in his performances, and has one of those John Mayer / James Blunt voices.  He's definitely in the hunt; even if he does look like a poster-child for the legalization of weed/Woodstock '08...

Kristy Lee Cook:
Not only do I think this girl is beautiful, she can sing too.  She's not as strong at times as some of the above, but she's got the looks and she can sing country music really well, which is her specialty.  She did '8 Days a Week' tonight with a country twist, and even though the judges didn't really like it- I thought it was pretty good.
David Archeleta:
This kid has got some lungs, but tonight he didn't do so hot- I think he may have peaked too soon... he forgot the words to his song at first... he pulled it off, but I think it may be tough for him to recover... he's got promise, but I just don't see him going all the way anymore.  He may win, but I have my doubts... 

Honorable Mention:  My personal favorite early on was Alaina Whitaker.  I was actually surprised when she didn't make past the top 20 or whatever.  She truly had the best voice of all of the contestants... not sure why she didn't get the votes, but she should have been in the finals in my opinion...
And finally- my least favorite, although because of her unique identity may actually make it farther is Amanda Obermeyer... she seems like a nice down to earth individual, but her voice grates on me and her Elvira/Munster looking hair just doesn't do it for me.  She's got a voice like Janis Joplin, but I think it's getting tired.  I'd be surprised if she made it much further... but she could win it all just based on her looks/uniqueness.  I really think she's worn out her style though.  The grinding, angry woman sound is just getting old.  IMHO.

I could comment on the other contestants, but they are really just forgettable... and I really just spent 30 minutes on a post about American Idol.  I need a girlfriend.


Ve said...

Way to end that post! But a great summary for those of us who can't take anything beyond the audition episodes. If I could watch TV without the commercials I'd probably watch more of it - which is the biggest reason I won't get a DVR. So I'll just depend on those that do to give me the bottom line. I'll go along with your HO.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Hal. Have been at Jenny's this weekend and just catching up on email and blogs. Enjoyed your critiques of the contenders. I have watched some of the earlier seasons but none so far this year. I have followed them more toward the end. We were just saying how we thought you should audition for the show after seeing you sing in Jenny's wedding tape:" Keeper of the stars", I think you sang.LOL. The girls enjoyed seeing all their relatives and laughing at your antics at the reception. Love, Mom