Monday, February 11, 2008

My Nike+ Runs

This little widget tracks all of my runs... Murphy requires quite a bit of running, (which is good for me) so we spend quite a bit of our spare time with our running shoes on... The drop in pace on the runs are typically when the Murphster has to take a 'break' if you know what I mean... a dogs' gotta do what a dogs' gotta do... oh- in case you are wondering how I get this data on the Internet, well, I have an iPod Nano that has a Nike+ attachment- basically  it's a step counter that calculates distance, pace etc., etc., after you've calibrated it.  There's a little transmitter that goes on your shoes... I think it's great because it keeps track of my distances and pace and whatnot... a little better than just running in my opinion... Murphy and I typically average about an 8'30" mile, except when nature calls...

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