Friday, May 23, 2008

On the Road Again...

I really *can* wait to get on the road again...  I'm leaving tomorrow for a trip to the far east... then I get back and have to turn right around and go to San Diego... normally these would be good trips, but seriously... when you live in Hawaii and you are happy where you are at for more than one reason- who would really want to go?  Maybe this is evidence I really am immune to 'Island Fever'... Murphy is going to be very well taken care of while I'm gone, so that's definitely a good thing-  then I'll be back for like 10 days or so and take a vacation and go see the fam in Florida- definitely looking forward to that, but well... anyway- let the travels begin.

1 comment:

Ve said...

Wave at the good folks in Kunming, China if happen to pass by! See you in Orlando.