Wednesday, February 6, 2008

YourSpace or Mine?

Why do I just not get MySpace?  I don't know why, but this was a cultural phenom that happened while I was floating around in the Pacific, and I just don't get it.  Is that bad?  I mean, I have an account because a friend of mine from flight school's girlfriend told me to join it so I could see their site- this was like over a year ago... but I never, ever log on... or more accurately, very, rarely log on... I guess I get the principle behind it... I mean look at me typing my thoughts into a blog... I actually had my first blog in 2005... before MySpace was created... anyway- it just befuddles me... I signed up for it just so I could see one persons space, and still, random people find me... I mean, I have no personal info on it, I mean nothing, everything is default, no picture or anything, and just tonight, I got an email saying someone had contacted me on MySpace... so I logged on, and low-and-behold... a friend from 4 years ago... who'da thunk?  Anyway- so if you are reading this and you have a MySpace page good on ya- I mean, even my Aunt, who is 60 this year, has one.  (She is rather progressive mind you, but still...) and people go crazy on there- with graphics and backgrounds and songs and this and that and the other... it's a great creative outlet I'm sure... I just haven't cracked the code myself, or really had the drive to do so.  I don't even have my picture on mine... what gives?  That is one cultural phenom that has passed me by... at least I can say I have a blog... alright- bed time... the Murphster is curled up at my feet enjoying his post-walk nap... I just realized tonight how much that dog loves getting brushed!  That is one good thing that came from the trainer- when he left, he hated his daily brushing- today he actually walked up to me, wagging his tail when he saw me holding the brush.  He was such a good dog, I figured I'd capitalize on the opportunity and cut the hair growing out in between his paw-pads... bad idea.  It was back to the early days with the brush.  The wild look in his eyes as I was holding him down, and attempting ever so gently to groom the little guy's feet was primal.  I think he thought I was going to cut his feet off.  The audible stimulation set him off as well.  Just the sound of the safety scissors cutting ever so gently through the hair made him jump.  Anyway- I'm rambling.  But at least Murphy's sleeping... I'll have to put it on MySpace...

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