Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dos Gringos...

So when you are a flier... and you aren't flying... you are pretty lucky if you are stuck with a bunch of other fliers who aren't flying... such is my job these days.  It's not too bad, because I'm stuck in Hawaii... and of course, fortunately, we've got these guys to keep up our morale while we wile away our days in front of computer screens and simulations...

These guys capture what I love... flying... and put it into something else I love... music. 

My favorite songs?

Two's Blind
Jeremiah Weed
The Legend of Shaved Dog's Ass
I wish I had a Gun just like the A-10
I want to take off from a Carrier
and for the politically challenged yet correct Air Farce:
Last Song on the CD?

We used to listen to these guys while drinking at night at Iwo Jima while doing FCLP's ramping up for cruise.  What a freakin' great time.  Imagine sitting in a room filled with smoke, loud music (the above), the smell of beer, poker game in the corner, multiple games of beer pong in the middle, and guys walking in covered in mud after doing some un-authorized 'sight-seeing' through the caves of Iwo Jima at night... drunken laughter, the smell of cigars, and great stories from cruises and port-calls gone by.  It's hard to find a better time than that...

*** these are not family oriented lyrics.

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