Monday, April 28, 2008


So, I've been watching a program on PBS, compliments of TiVo, called 'Carrier.'  If any of you want a small glimpse into what life was like for me the last three years, watch this show.  I've watched 3 episodes of it now, and I must say, it is hands down one of the most authentic, hard-hitting, real looks at what life is like on an aircraft carrier.  From the highs to the lows... no glossy cover-ups... granted it is public television, so it's PG, and trust me, life on a carrier is anything but PG... but anyway- they even have a piece in episode three, 'Super Secrets' where they pull into Hong Kong... a port I've been to 3 times.  A film crew deployed with the USS Nimitz in 2005, and basically followed several people on board from start to finish.  It's been enjoyable for me to watch it, and if you have a chance, you should definitely watch it.  If you've missed it, you can get it on iTunes...    or you can check out

In other news... it's Monday.  My life isn't nearly as interesting as it was when I was deployed... I think I came to that realization last week when I sat down and tried to write something well... interesting.  And failed miserably.  Tony and I are talking about going in together on a Catamaran...  This one.

Oh yeah...  I promised a write up on 'Strengths' in my last post... that'll come later... I'm really sunburned tonight from a beach trip on Sunday... good night.


Matthew Bradley said...

Nice cat!

My brother told me today about Carrier, so I'm checking it out. Sounds great.


Ve said...

Jeff and I started watching this past Sunday evening. Pretty interesting. And a little scary to realize how young and boy crazy some of our "soldiers" are. At times it reminded me a little too much of high school.
But the scope of what goes on is impressive. Watching a launch from the vantage point of the deck is terrifying.

Hal W. said...

Yes Janice, managing a group of teenagers and twentysomethings has its rewards and its challenges... I must say being in the flying officer corps is quite a different lifestyle than the bulk of what they are reporting, because well, there are 200 of us and 5,000 others that make our jobs possible... So they are doing a good job reporting proportionately, but it is definitely realistic... And entertaining... What I've seen so far though is stuff we deal with on a daily basis... Glad you guys are enjoying it... Hoping to see you guys (Matt you and Leslie too) in June.

TheTimmer said...


Just found your website, and I was glued to the Carrier documentary. I was quite impressed with the depth of the film, and those do look like some tight quarters for six months. Yikes.