Sunday, December 27, 2009

Outlandish Laughter and The Kindle 2

Well, Christmas eve, Tamra and I decided to open up our presents that we'd gotten one another... I've always been a fan of Christmas eve present opening... in fact, it was a tradition in the Wilkerson household growing up that we'd always open one the night before... kids choice... and of course, my parents always managed to bring out the gifts from 'Santa' after we'd gone to bed, so inevitably, I'd snag a J.C. Penny's box with an awesome flannel shirt in it that I mistakenly took for a G.I. Joe action figure, but this year, for me, Christmas was different. I was anxious for Tamra to open hers up, just because I thought it was cool, and that she would get a kick out of hers... so she's into yoga, Bikram Yoga actually, (which by the way, apparently involves doing yoga in a sweatbox) well, I was wandering around the mall on Christmas Eve day, you know what they say- if you wait until the last minute, it only takes a minute- when I found myself wandering into some store called 'Lululemon Athletica' well, I must tell you, I've never heard of this place. Ever. But I'm browsing around, and it turns out this is the modern woman's answer to Jo-Ann fabric. Well, they have these cool yoga mats... at least I thought they were cool. So I placed a txt to Tamra's best friend, Emi, who would know these kind of things as to whether or not a yoga mat would make a good gift. Turns out it wouldn't. She already had one. Figures. But, her best friend says, if you go to a shop called 'Lululemon' she really digs the Yoga clothes in there. I walk outside the store, look up at the sign... score. Well, I found her some cool pants and a top and of course, had to get the Bikram Yoga Mat cover. Apparently, when you are doing the upside down 'falling lotus' or reverse 'half lord of the fishes' and you are covered in sweat and barefoot, traction on ye ole' yoga mat becomes an issue. So they made these Yoga Mat covers that are covered with little rubbery traction dots, that help keep your 'downward dog' in position when you are slathered in sweat. I got it for her. She liked it. So much in fact, she can't wait to use it. Hopefully she doesn't hurt herself with all those poses.

So, it came time for me to open my gift... and much to my unexpected surprise... it was a Kindle 2. Now, keep in mind, I wasn't thinking about a Kindle, never even really wanted one.... I've got a Kindle Reader app on my iPhone, and I thought that would be plenty. But once I saw the potential of this awesome device, after holding it in my hand, after seeing the incredible paper-like digital screen, after syncing it with my account and reading my books on it, after emailing myself some .pdf's to my new kindle email address, after hearing it read books to me, I'm sold. And I'm stoked that I've got it. No more heavy books in my bag on long trips. Thanks Tamra- you are the best!

Anyway- so the whole reason I started this post, however, is not really to talk about Christmas or gifts or Yoga or my new Kindle... but was because I was actually doing some reading on the Kindle and came across this article in the New Yorker from back in August. But what I really wanted to share was the clip of Jeff Bezos being interviewed on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Or to get to the real, more telling, heart of the matter, I really, only, wanted, to share, this little gem-of-a-mashup of Jeff Bezos' infectious, obnoxious laugh.

It will definitely make you laugh. Guaranteed. Merry Christmas all.

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