Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Things I'm digging today...

Texting 'I love you' to my Mom... just because I can...
The song 'White Moth' by Xavier Rudd
Good Co-workers
Murphy constantly putting a toy in my lap while I'm trying to blog...
Knowing I'm going sailing on Thursday and Sunday
Having to plan for the big Kaneohe Sandbar trip on Saturday... it's kind of turned into a monster... 40 people!
Living in Hawaii.

I found an old poem recently that I've had since one of my summers in college selling books door-to-door (yes I did that for 3 summers) and it's always kind of been a good one for me, so I think I'll share it today:

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young,
compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving,
and tolerant of the weak and of the strong.
Because someday you will have been all of these.

-George Washington Carver

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